Monday, September 26, 2011

How to make chunky salsa... canning it

To can salsa you need it to be hot.. as you are putting it in jars to be water bath process..

First you need a large pot maybe one that you make sauce in..

12 plum tomatoes diced  ( I use plum as there is more meat to them)
2 large onions diced
4 jalapenos  diced  (with or without seeds mild without to hot with)

1/2 cup of diced garlic (I use jar mince garlic) if fresh about 2 heads if not more.

 1 cup lime juice
 1 teaspoon salt

Place all is large kettle and heat till comes to a boil.. then fill hot clean jars and cap process in the water bath for 15 mins for pints 30 for quarts.

I make my salsa as I would be eating it then and now.. so if  lime juice is to much for you use less .same as the salt I use less ..

How to make pickles

 Sweet and Savory pickles.
takes 2 days to make

To make these pickles you need the following:
Cucumbers about 4 large ones  cut into spears.. by the size of your jars or you can make chips whatever size you want.. thick or thin
vinegar 3 cups (I use white) you can use or types
sugar 3 cups
pickling spice 1 tsp per jar
Onions  large to make about 2 cup sliced/ or rings
pickle salt ( kosher salt)

in bowl place cucumbers, onion mix well.. then take 1 cup of pickle salt ( kosher salt) mix well again I use my hands as it mixes well ..then take 3 cups of ice can be crushed or cubes. place on top of mixture . Then cover with a dish towel let sit over night..

The next day drain the mixture, rinse..  then in a sauce pan add the vinegar and sugar and boil for 15 mins

Pack the clean hot jars with the pickle and onions leaving about 1/2 in to 1 in from the top of the jar then for each jar 1 tsp of pickle spices in each jar then add the vinegar mixture fill to the top then take a spoon or knife and go along the jar to get the air bubbles out then  fill if needed.

Process in a water bath for 20 min for quarts or 10 min for pints
set a side for 2 weeks in cool dark place .

Friday, January 28, 2011

A few things that might help

I have been doing my family tree since a High School project back in 1976. Yes that is a long time. With the internet things have gone faster but when will I end.. Never .. As records go on line more information come up.. It took me till 2004 to find out where my father father was born that was only after a relative died.

Some families mine included did not want information to get out to other people me included.. but I kept going.I keep a notebook of information I need  as birth death etc. When I go to a family function I ask the question. Some will not talk to you others will talk your ear off.. Try to remember stories told to you by a grandparent or Aunt they come in handy .Keep a note on the stories or record them for later to included in family tree book .

The following is a great place to find passenger information,,
for another free site for information

A lot of family information is out there.. but take it all with a grain of salt as the saying goes. Research the information that is posted on line. They should have source where they get the information  : death information etc.  If there is no source than I would not trust it.

With any information that you get say birth record they might have the parents names on it where they were born  .Some of the older ones before 1930 might say only the country they were born in..So you ask yourself well where can I find this information. Try the Social Security index.. On SSI records you might get lucky and find the town. Also the draft cards from 1940's is also a good place to find information.
all for now happy Hunting

Monday, January 24, 2011

How to start your family tree

People are always asking how do you do your ancestry and where do you look.. well look here the information ..

The first step  is get family sheet also get Ancestral data form. You can find them on the web under or. ( I do not get anything for mention them) It's just the best place to find them.

Family Group Sheet:

I make sure that I have a least 8 pages to start with keep a blank one so that you can copy it.If your luck and have a family tree type program you can put the information in that. On the first family sheet we will be using is for you . YOU are the start of your family tree. If you use paper forms I have found that I use 2 different types of Ink or pencil.. One for your side and one for your husband..

On page one Put your full name in space example
Full birth name:  Mary Elizabeth Green
  date of Birth:  December 2 1950
 place of Birth::Brewster, MA
My parents lived in Brewster, MA but I was born in hospital. Hyannis MA Cape Cod Hospital
 You could use Hyannis as your birth record is recorded there too. I have found my birth record in both places.  I however use Brewster as that was where my parents lived.
 Then if you are married  fill in the Husband part with the same type of information
Married Date and where it took place.
then any children you have where they were born..

Then on the next paper I would put 1 A  ... The A for Your side and B for your husband
  then fill it in: Your dads name, moms  then your brother and sister etc. 2 A would be for your grandparents go A1 for your mothers side A2 for your dads so for your mother grandparents would be 2A1 and your dads would be 2A2.. or whatever code will work for you ...

Ok say you don't know where your Dad or Mom was born if they are alive ask them..If they have died then you need to either see a true copy of their death record.. from the town where they died.. or see if it's on the web: How put vital records for Boston, MA there are free sites for searching .. Most death records have the town of birth on them except some just have the country..or if you don't know where or when your parents died look in Social Security Record::

REMEMBER to keep track of where you find information:
Death, Birth, Marriage records have the year, volume, page , Certificate number.. Keep track..

so for now fill in all the information you can.. Keep track of where you find the information..

Go to search their site it's the best.. for free sites